Jude Weinberg
Special Presentation by Jude Weinberg on "Technology for Musicians, Performers & Teachers" with question and answer time for members, via Zoom.
10:00 am: Waiting room
10:15 am: Announcements
10:30 am - 12 pm (noon): Technology Presentation
More Info About the Presentation:
We are excited to announce that on Saturday August 8, 2020, Jude Weinberg of the Music Technology Department at UNC will be talking about technology for performing and teaching musicians with a focus on recording and microphones for the piano. One of the things he will show us is a workflow for live-streaming with piano mics and a vocal mic sent through an audio interface along with a web cam. This should be something useful for pianists wanting to share their live performances from home. He will also talk about hopefully getting better audio quality for Zoom performances and online teaching. If members have questions about recording or technology for Professor Weinberg, please send them to Marilynn Seits, pr@ashevillepiano.org to be given to him to answer during the presentation.
The Zoom waiting room for the Technology Presentation will open at 10:15 AM and the lecture starts at 10:30. There is no charge for this but please RSVP to let us know that you are coming. The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/520063449?pwd=MjNNRVFnSUJvRjRoMzNNbnpzYjltUT09
About Professor Jude Weinberg
Charles Jude Thornton Weinberg is an electrical and sound engineer, musician, and university lecturer in audio engineering and electronics. While studying electrical engineering at Duke University, Charles DJ’ed at WXDU in Durham, played bass with the instrumental band Spear-it, and managed the Duke Coffeehouse, where he hosted local and touring indie music bands and a weekly jazz night. After graduation, he worked as a live sound engineer for Randall Schiller Productions in San Francisco. Charles worked with Friends of the Earth on Paul McCartney's 1989 European Tour to raise awareness of climate change and the destruction of the world's rainforests, and he wrote about the McCartney tour for The Beatles Book Monthly. He formed a musical duo on the streets of London with English actor Paul Bettany, designed electronics hardware and software for B-E Electronics Co., worked on a campaign to protect and preserve the ancient Headwaters Redwood Forests of Northern California, and wrote songs and engineered at a recording studio near Taos, New Mexico. He joined the UNCA Music department in 2005 to teach audio engineering and recording and he teaches electronics in UNCA’s Physics department. Charles Jude is currently associate director of UNCA's Music Technology program, chief engineer of UNCA's recording studios, and an active member of the Audio Engineering Society.
Marilynn Seits
561 719 4106